Friday, July 1, 2011

Almost JWOC time

Very excited to race now. The training is over and I have a feeling for the terrain. The opening ceremony is tomorrow evening and the first race is on Sunday. Today we went for a short 30min easy jog around the middle/long/relay map. Very similar to other training areas we have been on. The distinct features were pits, of which there were heaps and only those over 1m deep marked. Also many small 2x2m fenced areas in the forest shown as black crosses.

Tomorrow we will go to Lebork for a model of the sprint area. This will be a good chance to see exactly the mapmakers style. I am planning to do another short jog and a few strides/short sprints. The official opening ceremony is at 8pm in the town center of Wejherowo.

Internet access is limited here so you can follow the team progress on the New Zealand Junior World Orienteering Championships team blog page. We will update this regularly to keep you informed. (-:
All going well. Thanks

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